Comparison or Purpose?

Unpopular opinion: I really think social media is causing more and more people to live a mediocre, depressed and unfulfilled life.

Now let me balance that opinion with this: I think social media when used correctly can do SO much good. It can help people reconnect, learn new things, launch businesses and bless others. But honestly, I feel like most people are using social media to numb themselves rather than ignite a fire to pursue what God has for them.

Speaking for myself, social media can be a battlefield where comparison and anxiety try to take me out. Now let me say, this usually only happens when I get on to social BEFORE I have spent time with my Creator to make sure my heart has been safely tucked away in His. But I would be a total liar if I said I didn’t often get caught up in the newsfeeds and finding my thoughts morph into victim mode. Comparison sets in and I soon find myself identifying everything I don’t have and everything I am not.

Wait, she’s launching a new brand product AGAIN? Ugh, there they go on another family vacation! Seriously?! She has 80,000 likes on a picture of her toe? SO ANNOYING. She has a billion more followers than I do, ugh…i’m a NOBODY.

Can you relate to any of this? The traps of social media can really suck you in if you aren’t careful. And even scarier; it can completely derail you of your assignment in life. It blows my mind how we let IG or FB determine our worth when the Creator of our soul tells us time and time again how we lack NOTHING!

I’ve found this to be true: comparison doesn’t just steal your joy, it will also completely assassinate your hopes and dreams if you don’t stay in your lane.


So how do you remedy this comparison garbage? How do you truly wake up fulfilled and excited about your one life? Glad you asked.

You find YOUR purpose.

Now hear me out sis. I know this is super broad and can throw you into a tail spin with the extra task of now figuring out what your life purpose is. But let me encourage you. You are NOT on a quest to try and figure it out. You aren’t in some weird maze or obstacle course trying to find it. No, the God who formed you in your mothers womb, the God who knows the exact number of hairs on your head, has made it clearer than you think. And if you take a second to drown out the noise, you’ll see its been right under your nose the whole time.

I love the definition of the word purpose. It is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” How awesome is that!? It exudes so much hope and possibility!

Your purpose was pre-destined. It existed before you were conceived. In fact God dreamed you up with a specific task and assignment! Jeremiah 29:13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” The bible is FILLED with scriptures that talk about purpose and plans. Go look them up and be encouraged. You were not meant to just pay bills and die. You were not meant to get caught up in social media and hate your life when God has so much in store for YOU!

So what is your purpose? Well, its often tied DIRECTLY to your gift.

Wait what?!

Yeah….your GIFT. God endowed each one of us with a special, unique gift. Now, does it mean EVERYONE’S purpose should become a business? No.

Do I think it can be? Yes! But ultimately if you are a believer and have decided to build God’s kingdom, your gift will first and foremost honor God (so…if you are extra flexible, I hate to break it to you but stripping is not gonna be your purpose, sis…sorry! haha) and it will serve to bless others.



My husband is the perfect example of what I mean. He was born with the gift of creativity and is extremely artistic. He can draw like nobody’s business and can paint incredible works of art. But when we got married he fell into the lie that he needed to grow up and find a real job. Those years of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole was the most miserable years of his life and our marriage. He was not created to sit in an office with no windows for 14 hours a day and crunch numbers. It wasn’t until he picked up a paint brush again years later that he connected back with his Creator and realized that ART was his purpose. And guess what? Now he has sold paintings all over the world and is able to share God’s truth and love with people he connects with over social media. THROUGH ART. Because God created his with the gift for it!

Oh friend, YOUR GIFT WILL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU TOO! We need to stop wasting our life away wishing we were HER or wishing we could have what SHE has and STEP IN to our unique purpose.

  • Are you amazing with kids and have a soft spot for them? Maybe you should teach preschool or Sunday School, have another child, social work or foster children.

  • Are you amazing at giving wise advice? Maybe consider counseling or coaching.

  • Do you have an amazing voice no one knows about? Get on YouTube and put out a video of you singing!

  • Can you string words together like a boss? Time to write that book girlfriend!

  • Are you good with hair or makeup? Then you need to be doing THAT!

What is the one thing you do the best at with the least amount of effort? The first time I heard my hero Steve Harvey give a motivational speech about this exact topic - it changed my world, y’all. (Also, since I believe in the power of words, i’m proclaiming here and now that I WILL one day meet him! Watch it happen!).

God has given us all a gift. Once you realize your purpose, comparison will no longer trip you up. True fulfillment will ALWAYS come from your Father who has freely given you all things - including your gift.

Time to step in. The world needs you to show up!

So RISE, sis.

*Free Life Coaching consultations available. Email


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