My Favorite Things

If you have been around for a while, then you know that motivating and speaking life into people is my jam. I love seeing people find a silver lining and a glimmer of hope in bleak situations. Getting people to become unstuck, reach their life goals and discover all that God has for them is my heartbeat. It is my passion, my purpose and Life Coaching will always be my top priority.

But sometimes, your girl needs a small break from being deep all the time to just roam Target’s candle aisle or browse Amazon, just like anyone else!

So I thought I would create a section in my blog where I can link up things i’ve shared during the week (incase you missed it in stories). These will be some of my favorite things that make me smile, make me feel pretty, inspire and help me grow deeper in Christ. I’ll also include some of the things y’all have shared with me, too! I hope this adds a different kind of value to you!

And if I haven’t told you in a while - sis, I see you and i’m SO glad you are here!


My Top Drugstore Makeup Must-Haves


Worship Playlist